In an angry reaction to questions from reporters, Chua insisted that the norm practised by many Muslim women to avoid skin contact with the opposite sex during handshake was contrary to "basic culture and manners to shake hands". “I have been in the public life for many years. It's part of the basic culture and manners to shake hands," said Chua, who also scolded a reporter from online portal Malaysiakini, which first broke news of Chua's attack on PAS candidate Normala Sudirman. Chua had poked fun over Normala's preference not to shake hands with the opposite sex, and compared it to a similar practice by PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. "She will not come here (a Chinese temple), she doesn't even shake hands with the people. I have received complaints about this. “She is like Anwar Ibrahim's wife. She wears gloves when she shakes hands. If you can accept this kind of Islamic values, go ahead and vote for PAS," he said. This was followed by deputy Domestic Trade Cooperative and Consumer Affair minister Tan Lian Hoe of Gerakan lashing out at Normala and saying her practise was proof of PAS's goal to establish "an extremist Islamic state". “This is the most basic thing... Not only men, but when she shakes hands with women, she also needs to wear glove," alleged Tan in the presence of her minister Ismail Sabri. "This is not friendly. It's as if she thinks our hands are dirty... I hope the Chinese voters are careful (with Islamic state). We are very worried about the Islamic state. They want to implement an extremist Islamic state," she added. Chua's comments drew strong reactions from Muslims from both sides of the divide, with many recalling his sex video which exposed his adulterous affair in a hotel room in 2008. Even UMNO deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin chided him for raising religious issues in MCA's bid to convince Chinese voters that PAS would trample on non-Muslim rights. Chua however dismissed Muhyiddin's reminder. "There is no need for the DPM or the media to communicate this to us," an irate Chua was quoted by Malaysiakini as saying. 'What's so great?' Despite the storm, Chua stood his ground, saying there was nothing great about knowing the Islamic religious values. "So what is so great about that? That is your religious value which I don't know. How am I to know about the religious values when I'm not practising that religion?” "I have the right to say that it's basic manners to shake hands with people. That's my values. Understand? You also must value my value, which is good manners, which includes shaking hands," he went on, as quoted by Malaysiakini. “CSL says it's not fair for non-Muslim to understand Islamic values. No wonder BN's national integration policy has failed. "CSL now blames the media for the hand shake issue. He never blames his narrow-mindedness and sheer ignorance,” added Teng on Twitter. Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria has also broken his silence, and demanded Chua to issue an apology. “He has to know... he must respect religious practices of others, but if he doesn’t know, that is ignorance. If he knows, but pretend not to, that is insulting Islam," said Harussani, but quickly added he was not supporting the PAS candidate. |
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
Ahad, 23 Januari 2011
“ If we vote for PAS , we are telling the malays that we can accept the nation to be ruled according to Islam. If you can accept life style that follow ISLAMIC values than you vote for PAS , as simple as that ”
2 ayat di atas dilafazkan oleh Dr.Chua Soi Lek pada 20 / 1 / 11 di sebuah Kuil Buddha di LabIs , Johor Darul Takzim. Matlamat beliau memang untukmemberi amaran kepada pengundi Tionghua supaya jangan sekali-kali mengundi PAS. Harga yang perlu dibayar begitu mahal. Undi PAS nanti kamu akan ditadbirkan dengan cara , kaedah , nilai-nilai dan hukum hakam Islam!
Pada mula saya membaca artikel yang disiarkan dalam Harakahdaily dan malaysiakini pada 21 / 1 / 11 , saya begitu marah dan meminta ahli-ahli PAS naikkan banner protes bertajuk ‘ Chua Soi sex Insulting Islam ’. Tetapi pada bacaan kali ke 3 , sebenarnya saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Dr Chua Soo Lek , Presiden MCA yang terlibat dengan scandal sex dan menduakan isteri beliau pada tahun 2007. Memanglah beliau layak menjadi presiden MCA walaupun moralnya rendah kerana secara positif beliau mempunyai ‘ kualiti ’ yang tidak ada pada pemimpin-pemimpin Cina lain tetapi beliau berani , ‘ combative ’( tak kenal putus asa ), berterus terang dan tahu membedakan kebenaran PAS vs kebatilan politik UMNO.
Sekarang di Labis , di kubu politik beliau sekali lagi Dr.Chua Soi Lek mempamerkan kualiti beliau. Kalau dalam Konvensyen BN bulan Disember lepas , beliau menegur UMNO dan Najib yang gagal meletakkan prioliti antara kepentingan UMNO berbanding kepentingan BN. Kali ini beliau memberikan ‘ Islamic Political mileage ’ kepada PAS. Walaupun mungkin secara tidak disengajakan kenyataan Dr.Chua yang bermaksud “ Jika kamu ( kaum Cina ) mengundi PAS , kita ( kaum Cina ) memberi isyarat kepada orang Melayu bahawa kita ( kaum Cina ) sudah bersedia menerima negara ini ( Malaysia ) ditadbir mengikut tatacara Islam. ”
Apa makna disebalik kata-kata beliau :
i. Orang Cina adalah guru politik di Malaysia. Orang Melayu perlu belajar daripada mereka.
ii. PAS dan bukannya UMNO yang akan melaksanakan Islam di Malaysia.
iii. UMNO ( rakan kongsi MCA ) tidak mempunyai cita-cita untuk menjalankan pentadbiran cara Islam seperti yang diperjuangkan PAS.
iv. Orang Cina sebenarnya masih belum mengenali Islam secara lebih dekat dan jika mereka mengetahui kebaikan Islam , masa depan UMNO akan gelap gelita.
v. Sehingga kini , Malaysia yang diterajui UMNO adalah negara yang belum menerima pakai nilai-nilai Islam.
vi. MCA tahu bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO tidak beramal dengan kehendak Islam yang tulen.
Tahniah kepada Dr.Chua Soi Lek kerana kamu lebih meyakini iltizam dan cita-cita Islam PAS yang begitu murni. Cuma yang menyedihkan kerana sepanjang pergaulan dan perkongsian kamu dengan UMNO , mereka gagal atau sengaja memberikan gambaran negatif tehadap Islam sehingga kamu sangat benci dan prejudis terhadap Agama Allah yang sangat sempurna ini. Islam sesungguhnya adalah Agama untuk seluruh alam dan manusia. Islam For All. Islam promotes justice for all. Islam cares for all human races. Islam prohibits hatred among races. Islam promotes brotherhood. Itulah sebenarnya Islam. Saya berkeyakinan PAS akan mengatasi UMNO jika kebenaran Islam dapat difahami dan menembusi hati-hati seluruh rakyat Malaysia.
· Terima kasih Dr.Chua Soi Lek kerana anda memperli orang UMNO dan Melayu yang tidak tahu membedakan antara PAS yang Islamic dengan UMNO yang sekularis.
· Terima kasih sekali lagi. Semoga Allah memberikan petunjuk kepada anda. Berdoalah seluruh ahli-ahli PAS sebagaimana Rasulullah mendoakan Umar dikala jahiliahnya!
Sepatah kata seorang pengundi berbangsa Cina dalam webportal malaysianinsider minggu lepas “ I’m a Chinese but I would rather support Islamic Malaysia than Corrupt Malaysia ”
· Thank you MCA . Thank you Malaysian Chinese. May God bless you all.
Ditulis oleh :
Dr.Haji Khairuddin b. Dato’ Abdul Malik
Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Perak.
Jumaat, 21 Januari 2011
KHAMIS , 20 / 01 / 2011 – adalah hari orang beragama Hindu menyambut perayaan Thaipusam . Orang yang beragama Hindu berduyun-duyun mengunjungi kuil-kuil mereka sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada dewa-dewa mereka.
Namun yang menghairankan adalah kehadiran perdana menteri , Dato’sri Najib Abdul Razak ke majlis perayaan Thaipusam tersebut . Dengan bangga beliau mengungkit kehadirannya setiap tahun tanpa ponteng sejak menjadi PM Malaysia.
Dilaporkan dalam Berita Harian 21/01/11 mukasurat 4 para 9, kata Najib: “Saya hadir kesini hari ini sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada kaum India dan untuk menyambut Thaipusam”
Waduh! Seorang yang merupakan muslim secara pasti mengaku merayakan Thaipusam! Komitmen Najib adalah maksimum pada tahun ini kerana bukan sekadar mengunjungi kuil hindu di Batu Caves bahkan turut juga menaiki jet menuju ke kuil Hindu di Utara Semenanjung di Sungai Petani dan ‘tawaf’ sakan beliau untuk mempromosikan 1 Malaysia yang ‘syirik friendly’!
-Apa Komen Jamil Khir Dan Mufti Perak???-
Khamis, 20 Januari 2011
Chua pokes fun at Muslim women for not touching
'PAS is corrupt too'Chua also claimed that the PAS government in Kelantan was also corrupt like UMNO-led governments.“UMNO is not perfect. It has corruption. But PAS is also not perfect. You need to look at (PAS-ruled) Kelantan. If you have friends in Kelantan, ask them about it."It’s just that PAS is not the federal government thus they don't have large-scale corruption," he said, in an indirect admission of UMNO's corruption.Chua's comments about Islam and Muslims had bordered on Islamophobia. Last year, the former Health minister said most corrupt countries were Muslim-majority ones, and named Christian-majority Ethiopia as being one of them.Not long after, Chua expressed disappointment that shops in Kota Bharu were closed during the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration, the most important event in the Muslim calendar which is celebrated on a large scale in the East Coast.Chua is widely regarded as MCA's comeback kid following the party's poor performance in the 2008 general election, forcing the resignation of party president Ong Ka Ting. Chua contested against Ong Tee Keat and won in March 2010 amid intense infightings in the Chinese-based party.
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
JANUARY 13 — Dr Chua Soi Lek, Liow Tiong Lai, Ng Yen Yen, Wee Ka Siong, and Kong Chong Ha?Or Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Abdul Hadi Awang, Khalid Samad, Husam Musa, and Sallahudin Ayub?
Who would you choose? If they had to pick between the two sets of politicians, which would Malaysians select? I dare say despite MCA’s doomsday-like rhetoric that a vote for Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) will be a vote for Islamic state/extremism/hardline Malaysia, most Malays/Chinese/Indians would still vote for Nik Aziz and gang over Soi Lek and his ministers.
And it will not even be a close fight. The reason comes down to credibility and consistency. PAS has problems and is far from a finished article, and there is still a tug-of-war going on between the religious class and the progressives. Its position on hudud and an Islamic state is still uncertain. But what is not contested is its acceptance of the rule of law, the Federal Constitution, its God-fearing compass and its fidelity to playing by the rules. (Despite the obstacles and odds stacked against it, PAS continues to endorse the power of the vote).
Even more encouraging are the attempts by Nik Aziz, Khalid Samad and Siti Mariah Mahmud to refuse to play the race or religion card, sometimes at political cost in their own communities. Even before MIC or MCA woke from their slumber, Khalid led the charge against the cow head protestors. In contrast, Soi Lek and his gang have been picking their battles. They are only willing to stand up for issues or non-Malays when there is no blowback from their master, Umno.
Recently, Soi Lek argued that PAS has not made good on election promises in Kedah and was committed to hardline politics. He may be right but more Malaysians perhaps would like Soi Lek to list out just what good MCA has done. It has been a party designed to further the interest of individuals and has been scandal-driven for the last 30 years. Tan Koon Swan (Pan El crisis), Dr Ling Liong Sik and Chan Kong Choy (PKFZ) and Soi Lek (sex video) are just some of the blots on the patchy recent history of MCA. What is PAS’s track record? I suppose nothing much but in recent times Nik Aziz, Khalid, Siti Mariah and even Hadi Awang have been willing to speak for Malaysians who don’t have a voice.
According to reports in news portals, Nik Aziz defended the right of non-Muslims to use the word “Allah” at this secret unity meeting before the Yang di-Pertuan Agong just before Christmas. He did it behind closed doors and before Umno leaders.
He could have done what MCA and MIC do in the face of pressure from Umno and kept quiet.
But Nik Aziz did not. So Soi Lek should not presume to think that he or MCA has a track record worth talking about.
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.
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+60 Vote up Vote down
half past six · 4 days ago
Yes. I would vote PAS and Nik Aziz over MCA and Chua Soi Lek. I suspect many Malaysians feel the same.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
+42 Vote up Vote down
yhappy 119p · 3 days ago
I am Chinese , I will vote PAS . I will not vote MCA . I rather want Malaysia to become Islamic State instead of become Corrupted Country . Only silly " Malaysia Chicken Association " try to scare Chinese by saying " if you vote for PAS , Malaysia will become Islamic State " .... Only , and only SUPER SILLY guys use 513 and Islamic State to threaten Chinese ... Until now BN still do not know what is inside Chinese mind ....Silly !! By the way , Chinese also don't care what sodomy charge on Anwar , they will still vote for PR . To Chinese , corruption , raping , betray friends , keeping mistress , murdering are worst than sodomy. And check yourselves , in Malaysia , which political party always commited all these sins " corruption , raping , betray friends , keeping mistress , murdering " ???
+41 Vote up Vote down
1 KL · 4 days ago
MCA = Malaysian Chinese Actors & Actress, this is how i see them.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
+17 Vote up Vote down
flying eagle · 3 days ago
I, too will vote for PAS and Nik Aziz and not BN.
+56 Vote up Vote down
Mack · 4 days ago
Great article!! Wonder how all this dirty MCA politicians can just come out with statements so bluntly without a conscience that they are blatantly corrupt and only sitting in party for their individual benefit and gains.They 'kowtow' to UMNO to maintain their lavish lifestyles....
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+45 Vote up Vote down
tanKL · 4 days ago
Good article ...excellent write out...
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+29 Vote up Vote down
bajumerah · 4 days ago
Well Written and only CSL thinks the Chinese will support MCA...we will see we will see!
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+30 Vote up Vote down
Ckbro · 3 days ago
I'd go for PAS!
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+39 Vote up Vote down
myan · 3 days ago
YB Nik Aziz got my family votesssssss. Thank You.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+41 Vote up Vote down
ipohkia · 3 days ago
All Rakyats, As for me, now, future and my next generation, I have told my kids, do not note for MCA or BN, if you want future assured, vote the current government out now. I told my kids what to do in the near future, otherwise our grandchildren will suffer or leave this country, but I love Malaysia because I was born here. To choose between Tok Guru and Tok Seks Chua, Tok Guru Nik will be my first choice, followed by Khalid and Husam, they have good track records, simpleas that.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+29 Vote up Vote down
shuk · 3 days ago
After 20 years of governing in Kelantan, Nik Aziz is a good example of what humility and moderation is all about,if there is anyboday who look like going his way, it is the current chief minister of Penang.Chua soi lek is only a no hopers who is bunched together with those blood suckers in BN.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+31 Vote up Vote down
Sonny Lim · 3 days ago
The chinese and indians in Kelantan and Kedah did not suffer under PAS administration. The people in Tenang and Johor should take note of this and do not believe in the lies by mca and mic.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+22 Vote up Vote down
kingmack · 3 days ago
I'd say let TGNA rule for a hundred years, and you will not find the typical UMNO/BN corruption scandal in Kelantan. If he is willing to live in moderation (even lacking in some quarters by my standards) despite his influence and tenure in office as MB no less, he gets my vote EVERY TIME!
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+33 Vote up Vote down
ah Foo · 3 days ago
i am a chinese...but i give my vote to PAS over what???
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+20 Vote up Vote down
nohope · 3 days ago
The MCA still follow the KUomintang of old china. Corrupt ,very corrupt The new kuomintang of Taiwan Ma ying Jeo has changed to be pro rakyat When will the old guards of the old Kuomintang MCA will ever change ?? Making money and kow tow to the existing ruler is their DNA don't be surprise when Pakatan wins the next election , they will switch sides. This is MCA principle - Who is the boss of the day is my boss ???
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+21 Vote up Vote down
Guest · 3 days ago
race politics has long been put into the backburner for most malaysians! after 2008, nik aziz has been a source of pure moderation and logic...while mca? they have been backstabbing each other and now trying to paint a rosy picture that everything is alright! we are no fools!
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+21 Vote up Vote down
SR. CITIZEN · 3 days ago
There is no comparison at all between PAS and MCA because MCA had already become irrelevant after 308 election.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+20 Vote up Vote down
voter · 3 days ago
I will vote any party other than BN.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+16 Vote up Vote down
johan · 3 days ago
people in tennag pilih pas
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+10 Vote up Vote down
cheahsinkooi · 3 days ago
Thats a no- brainer...
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
+15 Vote up Vote down
sakura_sakuragi 90p · 3 days ago
I am happy to see all the comments here. InshaALLAH, Malaysia will have a good future with DAP-PKR-PAS (PR) as our new government. Do not forget to tell your friends and family about this. Salam.
0 replies · active 3 days ago
+1 Vote up Vote down
anak_malaysia 43p · 3 days ago
BN, your count down started. Can someone remind all the ruling ministers both past and present to kindly surrender their passports to avoid any disappearing acts. Its mouth watering, I look forward see the nation recover excesses from the culprits. It is going to be very colorful and memorable. May all the culprits be in good health to face charges in the courts. PR, welcome to Putra Jaya and be fair to all Malaysians.
0 replies · active 3 days ago
+1 Vote up Vote down
Black Sheep · 3 days ago
A resounding victory for Toh Guru. Habib hurray...habib hurray...The entire rakyat whether malays, chinese, indians, sabahan, sarawakians and others will accept this verdict given by the public as cent percent true. A man who refuse to take pride for deligence in defending the rights of the christians using the word, Allah in the close door meeting with the king. May God keep our Maha Guru hail and healthy.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
0 Vote up Vote down
sayitstrue · 1 day ago
Get it real, MCA thinks that the Chinese community are idiots and can always bluff their way to defend or speak for them ! Truth is majority Chinese are educated to know what has been going on for so many years !
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011
SUK adalah Pegawai Kerajaan yang paling tinggi dalam hairaki sebuah perkhidmatan awam Negeri. Perkhidmatan awam adalah agensi perlaksana dasar-dasar Kerajaan yang ditentukan oleh rakyat melalui Kerajaan yang mereka pilih setiap 4-5 tahun. MB pada hakikatnya dipilih oleh rakyat untuk merangka dasar-dasar politik, sosial dan pembangunan yang disukai rakyat. Kalau MB gagal memahami kehendak rakyat, dia akan dijatuhkan melalui pilihanraya. MB adalah ketua eksekutif Kerajaan Negeri dan SUK bekerja secara amanahnya untuk rakyat sesebuah negeri melalui usaha sungguh-sungguhnya dan ketaatannya kepada Kerajaan hari itu (goverment of the day). SUK tidak boleh mempunyai agenda lain daripada itu. Walaupun beliau boleh menerima arahan-arahan perkhidmatan secara umum daripada KSN tetapi dalam mematuhi polisi-polisi pentadbiran beliau sesungguhnya bekerja dibawah arahan MB. Itulah rasional kenapa sebelum perlantikan mana-mana SUK baru, MB perlulah dirujuk oleh KSN dan bukan dipaksakan kepada beliau untuk menerima. Sukar sangatkah untuk KSN melakukan sedemikian. Lainlah jika beliau ada agenda lain.
Tidak timbul langsung perlantikan seorang Ketua Polis Negeri, Ketua Briged Tentera, Pengarah Kastam atau Pengarah Imegresen Negeri perlu dirujuk kepada MB ! Kononnya jika perlantikan SUK perlu dirujuk kepada MB maka nantinya perlantikkan Ketua Polis Negeri dan lain-lain yang disenaraikan diatas juga mesti dirujuk kepada MB. Inilah kekhuatiran MP Kulim yang sebenarnya menyerlahkan kedunguan dan kecelaruan pemikiran beliau. Kalau tak tahu lebih baik senyap !
Kenapa isu perlantikan Dato Khusrin sebagai SUK Selangor terpaksa diharungi oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Selangor ? Sebaiknya terima sajalah dengan mudah. Boleh tutup episod hitam ini dan Kerajaan Selangor tidak terpalit dengan pelbagai fitnah yang sudah dan bakal dicetuskan oleh UMNO dan juak-juak medianya khusus Utusan Malaysia. Di Malaysia ini hanya UMNO dan Perkasa sahaja yang taat kepada Raja! Apa sahaja krisis yang dipaksakan oleh UMNO kepada Kerajaan-Kerajaan Negeri PR, fitnah yang akan dijual kepada rakyat ialah Pakatan Rakyat derhaka Raja.
Rasulullah pernah berpesan dalam satu sabdanya yang bermaksud: orang Islam tidak akan dipatuk 2 kali dari lubang yang sama; maksudnya jangan lakukan kesilapan yang sama berulang kali. Untuk memahami apa yang berlaku rakyat boleh belajar daripada pengalaman Kerajaan PR Perak (Mac 2008-Februari 2009) yang mempunyai SUK yang tidak ¡®mesra PR¡¯ (not PR friendly). Tindakan-tindakan SUK Perak tersebut perlulah dibaca sekali dalam semangat bahawa sejak awal-awal lagi Najib dan lanun-lanun politik di Perak sudah mengetus pelbagai agenda dan menyatakan secara terbuka untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan PR Perak walau dengan apa cara sekalipun ¨C termasuk perangkap rasuah dan sex, culik Wakil Rakyat dan lain-lain.
Apa yang telah berlaku di Perak?
Di awal-awal pemerintahan PR ada taklimat tertutup dan sulit pegawai-pegawai Kanan Kerajaan Negeri supaya tidak memberikan kerjasama terbaik kepada Kerajaan PR. Antaranya pastikan perolehan Kerajaan Negeri (hasil cukai dan lain-lain) tidak dikutip sungguh-sungguh. Biarkan Kerajaan tidak cukup dana.
Banyak rahsia-rahsia mesyuarat Exco yang bocor dalam waktu yang tidak munasabah pantasnya.
Beberapa cadangan-cadangan pelaburan yang melibatkan pelabur-pelabur asing sengaja dilewatkan surat menyuratnya.
Berlaku peristiwa dimana SUK Perak dikesan hadir dalam majlis di bangunan Pejabat UMNO Negeri sedangkan ada majlis rasmi Kerajaaan Negeri.
Pernah Setiausaha Dewan Negeri Perak (pegawai dibawah SUK) diarah untuk hadir dalam mesyuarat di pejabat UMNO Negeri bagi merancang rampasan kuasa Speaker DUN Perak yang sah.
Beberapa hari menjelang sidang DUN Perak, dewan DUN Perak dikatakan dibenarkan dicerobohi oleh bomoh pawang kurafat pelaku syirik dalam keadaan dewan tersebut sepenuhnya di bawah kuasa pentadbiran SUK.
Dalam sidang DUN Perak dirsertai puluhan orang polis bahkan dikesan membawa senjata api memasuki dewan DUN Perak sedangkan dewan tersebut sepenuhnya dibawah kuasa SUK.
Banyak lagi yang boleh ditulis, namun sebagai persiapan supaya Kerajaan Selangor tidak dijatuhkan oleh lanun-lanun politik UMNO secara yang sama dengan Perak, lebih baik Kerajaan PR Selangor berpatah tulang dan mandi keringat lebih awal sebelum nantinya berputih mata ! Sebagai renungan untuk difikir bersama perhatikanlah 2 fakta ini :
i) SUK Perak sekarang mempunyai jawatan hakiki yang sudah melayakkan beliau memegang jawatan KSU di Putrajaya. Beliau sudah pegawai turus (SUK hanya jusa A) tetapi tetap menjadi SUK Perak. Terloponglah pegawai-pegawai lain tak dapat naik pangkat jadi SUK hanya kerana agenda UMNO/BN. Mengapa KSN tidak berlaku adil dan ikut amalan biasa urusan kenaikan pangkat.
ii) Seorang pegawai kanan yang pernah menjadi pengarah SPRM Perak diberikan gelaran Dato¡¯ 2 bulan setelah rampasan kuasa di Perak. Umum mengetahui peranan beliau yang jahat dalam komplot rampasan kuasa tersebut (SPRM menyediakan pelacur-pelacur untuk perangkap sex Adun-Adun PR). Adalah menjadi amalan bagi pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan anugerah Dato adalah melalui cadangan (recommendation) SUK di Negeri masing-masing.
Beberapa kesimpulan dapat dibuat supaya rakyat, pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan lebih-lebih lagi institusi istana disemua Negeri dapat menilai seadil-adilnya tindakan-tindakan UMNO mutakhir ini.
UMNO/BN tidak memperdulikan ketenteraman dan keharmonian rakyat asal sahaja agenda mabuk kuasa mereka tercapai.
Keputusan rakyat dalam pilihanraya yang walaupun berat sebelah kepada UMNO/BN tidak akan pernah dihormati.
Aturan kenaikan pangkat pegawai Kerajaan dibakul sampahkan dan senioriti tidak penting sekiranya anda tidak sanggup jadi perkakas UMNO/BN.
Institusi Raja boleh dihina atau disanjung berdasarkan keperluan agenda mengikut kesesuaian nafsu politik UMNO/BN.
Undang-undang peraturan hanya perlu dipatuhi jika bersesuaian dengan nafsu UMNO/BN. Di Negeri-Negeri UMNO/BN berkuasa : Sultan dikatakan Raja berperlembagaan dan Speaker DUN ada kuasa mutlak. Di Negeri-Negeri PR mentadbir dikatakan Sultan berkuasa sebagai ¡°absolute monarch¡¯ dan speaker DUN tiada kuasa apa-apa pun. Anehnya mahkamah Malaysia mengabsahkan diri sebagai rakan kongsi UMNO untuk menafikan keadilan kepada rakyat.
Sesungguhnya Allahlah pemilik kuasa mutlak. Kita makhluknya hanyalah insan-insan kerdil yang bakal memasuki neraka Allah jika kita membelakangkan keadilan dan mendakap kezaliman.